Monday, November 15, 2010

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I have always wanted to try this miscellany monday thing so I am finally doing it! You are supposed to list 5 miscellaneous things about you on monday. So here goes:

1. I listed my Christmas stuff in my shop this weekend! I am super excited to see how it does and hopefully sell some of it! If you haven't already checked it out I would love for you to look at it here!

2. Only 34 days until graduation! I bought my cap and gown and my announcements last week! I am sooo ready to be done because that means I will have more time and energy to focus on wedding planning and my etsy shop! yay!

3. Went home this weekend to attend a friends bridal shower. It was a lot of fun and she got some really good stuff! We are hoping to register in the next couple of weeks. I am really excited about that!I also tried on my bridesmaid dress for her wedding and I love it!

4. Patiently waiting for our engagement pictures to be posted. It has been about 2.5 weeks since we took them and I am getting anxious! They should be up soon and I will for sure share them with you!

5. I have an interview this friday for a potential job for January-May. I really hope it works out because it would really be good!

I hope my next miscellany monday will have more pictures.


Kit said...[Reply to comment]

Good luck non your interview!!!! Wedding planning is the best! I found your lovely blog through MM and I am a follower now!