Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 goals for wrp

After graduation I had this huge plan to really grow my shop. Enter 8am-7pm job. Now I feel like I am going to have no time to put into wrp. I still want to list new things and keep it going but it is going to take much more time and effort than I had originally planned. I recently ordered 250 bubble mailers so I need to put those to use and ship out orders!

As I look back at the goals I made on October 28th, I feel like I didn't try hard enough and therefore did not accomplish them. I did not get on the front page again, I did not list 3 new things each month, but my views did increase for November but went way down in December.

I think that the key thing that I need to do is list new things! That is my only goal for wrp for right now. I need to focus on creating and listing new items.

By this time next week I hope to have something new in the shop.

That is all.